The Daily Shortlist September 18


Falling-Flowing-Floating, 2004 Acrylic on Canvas 90 X 150 (in 3 parts)

Location: Chelsea, NYC
Band: Betsy Kaufman
Show time: 4:25 PM
Venue: Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects
Food: Supermac
Drink: Stout
Miscellaneous: Jack’s 99 Cent Store

In this exhibition, artist Betsy Kaufman takes minimalism and adds grids, stripes, lines, and hard edges making a body of work that is full of emotions and contradictions. Though small, Supermac packs a hearty punch with it’s gourmet mac & cheese’s like the Mac Cheesesteak with shaved steak, caramelized onions, roasted peppers, cremini/shitake, provolone, and white American ($8.25 mini; $10.95 mega). A great place in NYC to get a full-bodied dark beer is at Stout. With a very detailed beer list with descriptions, I’ve never had a bad pint at this bar and restaurant, plus the food menu is American and quite good. Probably the biggest 99-cent store in NYC, Jack’s is three floors of some of the finest values you can find, especially in an overpriced area like Herald Square.

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