Milagres: Glowing Mouth
Glowing Mouth
(Kill Rock Stars)
Glowing Mouth is the sound of coming back from the edge enlightened and renewed, energized and inspired. Those with a press release or a propensity to Google would quickly find that frontman Kyle Wilson found himself bedridden after a rock climbing accident, and his recovery restored his creativity. However, that renaissance comes through just by listening.
It’s impossible to pin down a genre for this band. There are synths, strings, guitars, drum machines, and so much more. “Glowing Mouth†is falsetto enough to carry traces of Prince, while “Gentle Beast†evokes the sound that made The Killers famous.
“Fright of Thee†features distorted, retro guitar that makes the track’s gravity that much more pronounced and “Moon on the Sea’s Gate†is as peaceful and beautiful as the title indicates, especially once the percussion and strings build to fill out the background.
Glowing Mouth is a slow burn that merits multiple listens to fully appreciate the range of the band. Let yourself sink into the tracks and appreciate the sound.  There’s a spark here that will carry the band far beyond Brooklyn, so hop on the local bandwagon before it hits the major leagues.