
THE SEX FILES: We talk with Dating and Romance Expert Samantha Phillips

Sam PhilipsA former Penthouse Pet centerfold model who starred in Showtime’s Hot Springs Hotel, Sam (Samantha) Phillips has a loyal following of fans who enjoy her take on all aspects of how to succeed in love. Sam has been the co-host of the national syndicated daytime talk show Men are from Mars…Women are from Venus; a guest on programs such as Dr. Drew’s On Call, Entertainment Tonight and can presently be heard on her show “The Single Life” Wednesdays at 7-8 pm PT on Vivid Radio SiriusXM radio channel 102. For a Valentine’s Day treat, I managed a sit down with this well-informed and interesting lady for a chat about all things romantic.

How does one become an expert on dating and romance and when do you know that you are?

I believe the proper way is to go to school and get a degree, whether it’s in Human Behavior, Clinical Psychiatry, Mental Health, or Marriage and Family. I did not do that, I dropped out of the Performing Arts High School in 9th grade to travel the world as a top teen model. My background as a dating and romance expert stems from personal experience and from the jobs I’ve had. I was a reporter on Playboy’s Sexcetera for 3 years, and had the opportunity to study and learn about many different types of people, their sex practices, and lifestyle’s. I also co-host the nationally syndicated network talk show, “Men are from Mars… Women are from Venus,” with Dr. Drew. And I have been counseling people on the radio for 14 years, with 20 different shows. Let’s just say that I am “self taught,” with a few too many notches on my own belt.

I have always maintained that for hetero couples to get along, they should embrace that which makes the genders different and not fight those ways of thinking and acting that we can’t truly change anyways, true?

I believe in the “Men are from Mars…. and Women are from Venus” theory. It’s not a gay/straight thing… it’s men/women thing. We are completely different on every level. Women want men to listen to them, men just want to fix the problem so the woman stops talking.

There are common problems we all eventually deal with in relationships, young and old, whatever your sex or sex preference. Distrust. Disloyalty. Cheating. Abuse. Feeling alone. Not having your boundaries respected. Not being sexually compatible with your mate. Not getting the emotional support you need. Not growing together, but growing apart.

Can you clue us in to some great matchmaking sites?

There are a million dating sites out there, definitely something for everyone. I’d suggest doing a simple Google search using the keywords of what you’re into. You can also do a search of user reviews to the sites you are interested in, to vet their legitimacy.

Furthering from the above, the Internet: generally good, bad or both for the dating scene?

I have many friends, and colleagues who have met the person of their dreams on the Internet. It afforded them the luxury of getting to know each other on their own time, before finally agreeing to meet one another. Obviously, be careful. Predators easily hide in the anonymity of the Internet, that’s why you should spend time vetting your potential date.

Do you have a preference for working in one specific medium over another: T.V. cable, radio, print?

For me personally, at 48, I much prefer the mediums where I’m not required to look good on camera. After all the years of making a living off of what I looked like, it’s so GREAT to finally be able to make a living off of what I think, feel, and say.

Where might we see/hear you?

I’d love if everyone checked out “The Single Life” on Vivid Radio SiriusXM radio channel 102, every Wednesday 7-8pm PST. I co-host it with Yanira Johnson, and we talk about topics relating to sex, dating, and relationships. I also host a live TV show 3x’s a week for FilmOn TV called Sam’s Pajama Party, which can be seen every Mon., Weds., and Fri., from 2-3pm on FilmOn TV, SKY TV channel 292, www.filmon.com and www.battlecam.com.  I’m also planning to visit NYC in the coming months to broadcast live from the Vivid Radio booth at the new Vivid Cabaret in midtown Manhattan.

As I do every year and I am sure someone like Samantha Phillips would wish you as well, have a happy and safe Valentine’s Day and take to heart what you’ve read above.

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