
A Heart Given is Never Lost

Kristen Renee Lucas’  A Heart Given Is Never Lost is part of Manhattan Rep’s Summerfest 2010. A five-person two-act performed with basic set pieces in a small black box, “Heart” explores guilt, ghosts and the guile of Seth, played by Mark Charles Ramsey, as he encounters his ex Kate, played by playwright Lucas, his new wife Katherine, played by Liz DeBetta and strains his friendship with Paul, played by Paul Cereghino. We get to meet Father Robinson along the way and it is he, played by Jonathan Williams who injects levity into the proceedings; I especially liked Williams who had a good command of the small ‘stage’ and an ease with the character.  Basically material we’ve seen mined before, Lucas does a solid job with these themes but for brevity’s sake, I think some trimming (but not a lot) might serve “Heart.” Director Sally Burtenshaw did a good job though with the space she was given.

It really is the women who are given the most meat. DeBetta is especially good in her introduction scene and her end, showing her range and Kristen Renee Lucas, the center point of it all, flitters in and out as we come to learn secrets and exactly who (and what) she is.

As you have read from my reviews previously, I am a champion of off Broadway stuff and A Heart Given Is Never Lost is a good solid play in this years’ Manhattan Repertory Theatre’s Summerfest 2010.

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