
Very Short Stories: 300 Bite-Sized Works Of Fiction

Very Short Stories: 300 Bite-Sized Works Of Fiction
By Sean Hill
(Ulysses Press)

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In addition to changing the face of the Middle East and creating a global phenomenon of little monsters, Twitter has had a big impact on the world of fiction and there may be no better example than in Sean Hill’s new book Very Short Stories: 300 Bite-Sized Works Of Fiction.  Hill began his @veryshortstory Twitter feed as an experiment in telling complete 140 character stories without falling prey to writers block and 700 stories later the experiment was obviously a success.

The book highlight’s the best of Hill’s stories, occasionally illustrated by simple drawings, which range from heartfelt to funny to profound as he tackles topics such as: relationships, family, sex, work, life, death, and other worlds.  The writing is most memorable when it’s dark and ironic as exemplified in this story: “I listened patiently for you to make a noise, but you never did. Reluctantly, I had to admit you were right, it was a bottomless pit.” Hill, who also performs improv comedy, shows his creativity and range in the stories and at times combines some of the topics for greater effect as in the case of this story: “Alex bought Sharon a ring for Valentine’s Day, which she sold to buy the gun that stopped him from loving her.”

The best of the stories may rival Hemingway’s classic 6 word story in their descriptive brevity and their ability to tell a complete and affecting tale.  The collection itself might be the easiest read in history but it is also emblematic of today’s iGeneration showcasing a new modern format.

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About Tim Needles

Tim Needles is an artist, photographer, humorist, and writer from Long Island, NY. His writing and art work has been seen in multiple exhibitions and publications around New York as well as the Photographer’s Forum, French Photo, the New York Times, and LI Pulse magazine. He is also an educator and currently teaches art and film at Smithtown, NY and as an Education Leader for Adobe. He was recently the recipient of the Robert Rauschenberg Award in Washington DC and serves as the director of Strictly Students, a non-for-profit group for media and education. His work can be seen on his website: www.timneedles.com
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