
COMEDY: Lead McEnroe

I’ve always been a fan of improv, and while I would never consider myself a connoisseur, I have attended enough performances to have a favorite part. I always eagerly await that magical moment when the performers ask the audience members for a suggestion. I normally dwell a second too long and come up with the perfect idea right after someone else has already called one out. When I attended a recent performance of Lead McEnroe, I did not make that mistake this time. I shouted out the very first thing that came to mind: pickles.
And so began Lead McEnroe’s performance. The group is comprised of skilled comedians who play off each other well, knowing when to take the spotlight and when to let their fellow cast member shine. The skits flowed together seamlessly, and on more than one occasion the audience actually roared with laughter, an impressive feet to pull off in the small, black box style Magnet Theater. They have mastered the art of long-improv, leaving no dull moments and making uncomfortable pauses hilarious.
I left the performance with an overall feeling of satisfaction. I had been thoroughly amused, and was able to enjoy a glass of wine at my seat during the show. What more can one ask for? My only complaint is that the routine never once mentioned pickles, nor did it use the tasty snack as a theme, or even reference the vinegar-soaked vegetable in a non-PG sense. I found myself enjoying the show so much, that this realization didn’t hit me till towards the end, but once it did, it gave the show an almost too-polished feel. It made me momentarily wonder if the routines I’d seen were too well rehearsed for the suggestion to fit in at any point, but I also realize that it could have been a genuine oversight by a group of performers caught in a moment. Either way, the show definitely left me satisfied and was well worth the $5 admission.

Lead McEnroe performs Friday evenings at 8:30 PM at the Magnet Theater. For more info, go their website leadmcenroe.com.

Elizabeth Sorrell

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