Sweet Apple: Love and Desperation


Sweet Apple
Love and Desperation
(Tee Pee Records)

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If you’re a Dinosaur Jr. or Sonic Youth fan, Sweet Apple is right up your alley. The band itself could be termed as a “super-group,” consisting of Dinosaur Jr.’s J. Mascis, Witch’s Dave Sweetapple and Cobra Verde’s Tim Parnin and John Petkovic. In short, this album is 12 tracks of testosterone-packed rock jams, with a sense of humor.

The ideas presented in the majority of songs deal with the concept of hedonism. In “Flying Up a Mountain,” the band talks about their “first times,” (at rather early ages,) drinking alcohol, having sex and delving in philosophy (hint: the one based on materialism). “Hold Me I’m Dying” suggests, “Let’s f*ck till we die,” while “Somebody Else’s Problem” tells a tale of a “vampire without the fangs.”

“I’ve Got a Feeling” is definitely my favorite track, probably due to Mascis’ backing vocals and glass-breaking guitar riffs, while the album as a whole gets toned down in tracks like “Dead Moon.” As a whole, Love and Desperation is no masterpiece; the tracks seem to have holes between them, as if there was no concrete concept set in place before the songs were recorded. However, perhaps it was the band’s intentions to do anything BUT a “concept-album.” In that case, Love and Desperation could pretty much be viewed as four musicians coming together to simply jam, and the result is a refreshingly light-hearted album that strays from the majority of today’s overbearing or over-serious music themes. Fans of the bands mentioned above will surely adore what these musicians bring to the table in Sweet Apple. I’d definitely check this band out live.

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