
DVD REVIEW: Laibach’s Volk: Dead in Trbovlje

Volk: Dead in Trbovlje

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If you’ve ever seen Laibach in concert, you know they can put on a show to say the least. Using film projections, costumes, spoken word, and choreography along with an intense musical presentation, they rock the shit out of you.

Laibach hails from Ljubljana, Slovenia. They’ve been known to stir controversy over the years, and they certainly don’t shy away from it on this DVD. In the first half, they target several nations in variations on a theme approach to their national anthems including the United States, Great Britain, Russia, Slovenia, and several others. The second half is not specifically targeted at any countries, but is equally entertaining.

Laibach has a special way of incorporating different elements of art into one grand presentation. The DVD is particularly adept at focusing on one element at a time. Close-up shots of the projection screen, the musician’s faces and expressions, and the audience reactions all convey exactly the mood and vibe of a Laibach concert. If I hadn’t already had the privilege of seeing Laibach in concert, this DVD would inspire me to do so.

Marc Amigone

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