THE BOOK REPORT: Exposing the Real Che Guevara
Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him
by Humberto Fontova
(Sentinel Trade)
Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him, by Humberto Fontova wastes no time doing exactly what it sets out to do. In debunking the myth and idolatry surrounding Che Guevara, Fontova provides legitimate historical insight into the life of a man who saw to the execution of hundreds of political prisoners during the Cuban revolution and early years of the Castro regime, yet is hailed as a figure for the common people’s struggle against oppression.
Fontova prefaces his book with the story of his family’s escape from Communist Cuba in the early 1960’s. He blames the biases of the liberal United States media for the image of the man we know as Che, but in working against that bias, he replaces it with his own. He is vehemently prejudiced against anything the Cuban government has ever done and staunchly in favor of any position the United States government holds. While he pokes many holes in the research of Che’s most highly-regarded biographer, John Lee Anderson, his own anti-Cuba, pro-America biases make his position subject to a different, yet equally present, bias and prejudice that diminishes his credibility.