DVD REVIEW: See No Evil [Blu-ray]
See No Evil [Blu-ray]
While I wasn’t expecting much from a movie with an R-rating stemming from gruesome violence and gore (and of course, language, sex and drug use,) I thought I owed it enough to do a background check on its credentials. Who knows, maybe this was simply a talented horror director who wanted to have fun or a writer who’s renowned for writing scripts filled with lots of gore.
Well, much to my amusement, I came to find the film’s director, Gregory Dark, is a former porn director, and writer Dan Madigan’s best work can be found in episodes of WWE Smackdown!. No judgment folks, but let’s use common sense here: If you’re looking for an artistic film, let alone a horror movie worth watching, this is NOT the film for you.
If you’re looking for 84 minutes of eye-clawing gore that’ll make your girlfriend wince but will surely make you piss-your-pants laughing due to its utter stupidity, than I urge you to watch this film. If you are an avid WWE/Kane fan who likes to watch the guy kick butt (let alone kill people) than please, watch this film. If See No Evil happens to find its way onto one of your free movie channels, and you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time, than, if you must, watch this film.
Personally, I thought the movie would make a great drinking game; for every stupid or asinine line, scene or take, everyone must take a shot. Then of course I realized, if this were done, everyone participating would surely have alcohol poisoning by the film’s conclusion.
Nonetheless, gore is gore, so if you’re into gory movies, this should be in your collection. This Blu-ray disc features audio commentary with Director Gregory Dark and writer Dan Madigan, audio commentary with WWE’s Kane and co-executive producer Jed Blaugrund, storyboard-to-film comparison, the making-of featurette, Behind the Evil: WWE Promotional Spots, and more.