
DVD REVIEW: Wolverine and the X-Men: Deadly Enemies

Wolverine and the X-Men: Deadly Enemies
(Lions Gate)

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With the episodes “OverFlow,” “Thieves Gambit,” “X-Calibre,” “Wolverine v.s. The Hulk,” and “Time Bomb” this Volume Two of the X-Men and Wolverine animated series features the spectacular further adventures of the put-upon X –Men. Racing from the MRD, a group of mercs set on rounding up ‘The Men,’ there is a fight to save Storm’s life as she battles her old enemy, Shadow King, Wolverine teams up with Gambit to “steal back” a mutant inhibiting collar, and Wolverine battles against and with the Incredible Hulk.

Though there are fans who say it’s hard to keep track of these DVD sets-sometimes the entire series is released, often just a few episodes like they are here-still these fifteen minute stories are really tight little gems. With commentary included from the writers and directors on each episode, and the interesting mix of animation styles (don’t ask me what they are since I don’t know enough about animation to comment on what I am seeing, only that I can see that there are different techniques being thrown together) one is reminded just how good these animated episodes are, how tight the storytelling is and how precise is the direction. Really, it makes one wonder why we often get lackluster showings with the full-fledged live action movies.

Wolverine and the X-Men: Deadly Enemies is 4 perfect animation shorts.

Ralph Greco, Jr.

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