
THE BOOK REPORT: The Death of Bunny Munro by Nick Cave

The Death of Bunny Munro
By Nick Cave
(Faber & Faber)

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Bunny Munro has quite the life. Not that I am ever too sure from the beginning of Nick Cave’s 278 page novel The Death of Bunny Munro what of that life is real or imagined, still Bunny definitely has lots going on. From infidelities, to his wife’s death, to hitting the open road with his son, Bunny is kind of a sensualist, kind of a nihilist, but definitely an interesting character on the edge of something or other, again that might be real or imagined.

Cave, best known for his dark music with the band The Bad Seeds, marks his second fiction release with Bunny. Starting life as a screenplay, this book of Kylie Minogue obsession, death, sex and occult ruminations, is sometimes funny, often times heartbreaking, but all done in Cave’s unique style, what one critic said could make you feel “slightly grubby.” All in a good way, of course.

The Death of Bunny Munro is a fast read so you won’t get too mired in the prose, though Cave has a way with a turn of phrase and seems to know this material in detail…one wonders how detailed actually. For fans of Irvine Welsh or even Franz Kafka, The Death of Bunny Munro by Nick Cave is a solid entertaining read.

Ralph Greco, Jr.

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