DVD REVIEW: Glee Season 1: Road to the Sectionals
Glee Season 1: Road to the Sectionals
(20th Century Fox)
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard something about Glee. The Fox Network sensation features one touch comedy, one touch sarcasm and, of course, one touch musical.
Glee: The Road To Sectionals chronicles the first half of season one. We’re introduced to Will and his wife, who we find is faking a pregnancy. He finds out about that one later too. We find out about cheerleader Quinn, whose kicked off the cheer squad for being pregnant. She convinces her rock-singing boyfriend Finn that he’s the daddy when it’s really his best friend. Scandalous! We meet Rachel, whose in love with Finn, and the rest of the glee club. The unpopular glee club’s first goal? Getting the sectionals so that the school’s principal will let them keep singing along.
The DVD for the show traces the glee club through its marijuana laced start, to it’s sectional end. It traces the relationship of Finn and rhyming girlfriend Quinn straight through the revelation about her pregnancy. It traces Will from doting husband with a Pottery Barn obsessed wife to a man following all of his passion.
Plain and simple: the DVD for Glee is the most fun you’re going to have with a box set this year. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and then you’ll get online to download some of the stunning tracks performed by the cast. If you can’t take a hint or a joke, the DVD is not recommended. But if you’re looking for some quality television, buy Glee. In fact, I hope you’ve ordered it already.