THE SEX FILES: My Interview with “Housekeeper” of Trans-Glam Productions
What’s a tie-dyed-in the wool New York guy to do when he digs girls with a little something extra? He runs a prominent she-male adult business, “Trans-Glam Productions”, that’s what. “Housekeeper,” as he is affectionately known to those in the know, is an adult website owner, (well more than one site now) a musician/businessman/friend and all-around champion of adult entertainment, involving himself on every coast in his business and the lives of the many friends he has met because of it (me being one). He professes that this city he grew-up and works in really is the best place to ply his unique wares and I had the pleasure to catch up with him and get the skinny on all things she-male:
I guess the obvious first thing to ask is how does one get into this very specific type of porn?
I was a porn consumer for many years, and with a background in art, photography, and marketing; transitioning to the production side was a natural evolution.
But she-males?
You mean, how does one go from enjoying heterosexual sex to being turned on by a pretty girl who just happens to have a throbbing erection under her skirt? In my case it was from being a peep-show denizen, an avid token dropper from the heyday of New York’s legendary 42nd street. One day I just happened into a peep-show booth where the girls were men, and though at first it offended me, I was also intrigued and stimulated at the same time.
I hear people saying “Well, you know porn isn’t effected in this economy, that business always makes money.” Do you find this is the case or have you guys made adjustments to?
Everyone has made cuts and changes in the way they do business; the crisis was predicated on the fear of spending money so as not to run out. The timing was right for people with little money to simply settle for watching full scenes for free on tube sites.
What’s the advantage to living and working an adult business in NYC?
New York City is arguably the number one melting pot for transsexuals and the transgender lifestyle. Sao Paolo, Brazil is a Mecca for gorgeous glamour girls as well, and much of today’s product comes directly from there, but here you find a wide range of ethnicities, cultures, and styles.
What’s on the horizon for Trans-Glam Productions?
We’re presently on the brink of releasing our newest member-based site, “Stroking Queens,” a multi t-girl solo masturbation site with some additional hardcore scenes and featuring many of today’s top transsexual porn starlets, as well as local queens and international she males; the official release date will be within’ a month from now. We are very excited about this site as it has been in production for a little over two years, and will feature glamour photography and explicit video scenes, interviewing t-girls and capturing them in full glamour as well as ecstasy…
I can’t thank my buddy Housekeeper enough for allowing us a look into his world. Catch his various labors at both and his soon-to-be
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