I am sure this is not going to be my only column on sex toys. Yes, there is a lot bigger, bad-der and fun-ner stuff out there, but I wanted to be gentle our first time together, showcasing stuff for him, her…and both of you. Nowadays public purchasing unease is lessened greatly by online shopping and I have included the links below to the shop, Love Clothes Ltd. I’m featuring…be sure to tell them I sent you. And remember, keep in touch; let us all in on what you use on a regular basis and how or if toys have helped or hindered your love life. Now, onto the goodies…
When it comes to cock rings, why not get one that delivers a little extra? The Wireless Vibrating Cock Ring is made of super stretchy silicone and not only does it perform its usual function of helping one maintain what one already has, with the flick of a switch, vibration stimulation is to be had for both wearer and his partner. No wires get in the way, this toy is wireless and at $21.60 it’s a steal!
The most-sold vibrator for women is ‘The Rabbit,” but if you’ve yet to venture down the hole after Alice, you might be best served by My First Rabbit. With ten functions, a 5-inch jelly waterproof shaft (which mean it moves to how you move) and a light-up base, this vibrator hits almost every damn spot you can imagine. $31.60 before tax.
I won’t ask for ‘whom the bell tolls,’ but sometimes the bell does toll for both of you (just make sure you always clean that bell!) The Cushy Tushy Ripple is a 2.5′ round ripple shaft, ultra quiet plug for you-know-where. It has three speeds, Phthalate free and comes with mini batteries. For the virgin explorer, you could do no better then the $21.60 CTR.
Lover’s Feather Ticklers are simply little mini ‘feather-dusters’ for body play. At $5.40 you can get a whole bunch of different colors, and even display them since they look so pretty. It feels great when someone takes the time to brush a light feather across your…well, you get the picture.
Technically not a toy, but time to time I’ll recommend an outfit, and this is more an accessory then clothes (though this site I am featuring today has a killer clothes section). Go get yourself, or go buy her some Stockings. One need not even bother with garters anymore (though it’s always good to have a garter belt on hand) as stay-in-place thigh highs are all the rage nowadays.
When it comes to this stuff; toys, outfits, attitude even, anything with sex play, it really is all about safety and cleanliness. Make sure you only ever use water-soluble products, play with toys that can clean off easily, have plenty of condoms and gloves on hand and please, please PLEASE, use plenty of lube.
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