Free & Cheap NYC
Hey there Short and Sweet NYC readers! My name is Katharine and I’m the editor over at NYC Recession Diary. Born out of the recession and going strong ever since, the blog focuses on free, fun and cheap things to do in NYC, including but not limited to events, open bars, deals, coupons and deep discounts.
Here are some awesome things coming up that you all should enjoy. I mean, why pay full price or buy a drink if you don’t have to? Exaaacctly.
SATURDAY’s Lunch & Dinner
Tomorrow is Subway’s Customer Appreciation Day, so show Subway your appreciation for appreciating you by stopping in and taking advantage of their buy one get one footlong sandwiches one day only promo! Click here for details.
TAX DAY, April 15
– Get your two free mini cupcakes at Cinnabon on Tax Day! Click here for NYC locations.
– Over at Energy Kitchen, if you buy a drink you get a free lunch! This includes their Bison Cheesesteak Wrap, California Wrap or Buffalo Chicken Burger. Bonus: these lunches are all 500 calories or less. Click here for details.
– Celebrating the One Year Anniversary of Laser Cosmetica’s flagship location, Social Diva and Laser Cosmetica are partying with drinks, food, and good times with the girls on April 22. Limited to the first 200 RSVPs! Details and RSVP.
– Get your pretty little self over to the next NYLON Mag event on April 15, co-hosted by Sebastian Professional! Pretty Girls & Lasers will be DJing, plus there will be a hosted bar with complimentary cocktails by Solerno, appetizers and gift bags. Win, win, win and win! Details and RSVP.
-On April 14, the Aysha Saeed store is throwing a free cocktail shopping party, complete with two Dancing with the Stars cast members to teach you the magical art of ball room dancing! Details and RSVP.
-Since the above three events are very lady-centric, here’s one the men can enjoy. In honor of Mariano River, dig into complimentary drinks and food at Canali on April 13, hosted by New Yorker Magazine! Details and RSVP.
DISCOUNT SHOPPING is having a sale on one cent AT&T phones, with the purchase of a sales plan! Click here for more info.
This post was brought to you by NYC RECESSION DIARY.