
THE SEX FILES: Sex and Celebrity

I don’t usually like to give my opinion unless truly asked for, but since this is my column, I was thinking it might be fun to riff a bit about some recent sexual news. Lot’s been happening, in a way, but then again it seems the same stuff is just rehashed. Maybe you have an opinion as well? I’d damn well like to hear it, cause the most boring thing in the world to me is hearing myself talk! Here goes nothing.

Hey, can you believe it, Ricky Martin is gay!

Not that anybody’s surprised really…the guy was just too good looking and moved his hips too well. As with most things like this I don’t truly care who Mr. M. is sharing his bed with. I guess revealing something we all knew anyway is kinda newsworthy, but I say let Ricky enjoy his life, twins and whatever he’s doing with his La Vita Loca.

Poor Tiger

Is golf such a boring game we have to make such a big stink over Tiger Woods’ affairs? As I said at the time of David Duchovny’s supposed ‘sexual addiction’ this is less a disease with these guys (with any guy) then it is just a man ‘wantin’ some strange,’ stepping-out on his girl. It’s not for me to speak to the fidelity of anyone’s marriage or Tiger’s personal life. I believe the only thing the guy owes any of us is his best when he plays golf. Who cares what he does with his club off the ‘back nine’?

Lady Call Me

Have you seen Lady GaGa’s “Telephone” video? It is hot man, white hot! Less for what the girls are wearing (and they ain’t wearing a lot) but for how cool the video is. If you think for a second that videos have grown to be anything but commercials for songs (as if they were ever anything else really), then go hang with Spike Jonze and Peter Gabriel. What L.G.G. did was make a mini movie, a long form commercial featuring her and Beyoncé playing on the Thelma and Louise theme while they cavort in a whole bunch of naughty poses in less than nothing to piss off every conservative parent group in the country. If it makes Fox News it’s got to be good, right?

Where Have All The Bad Girls Gone?

What, no young chicks walking out to party sans panties? Where are the bad girls, or the girls who think they are? I so miss Britany being bald, Lindsay showing her muff. Just what is the world coming to these days when a well-groomed golfer (see above) is the top headline in our sex scandal news! God what happen to 2008?

The Marriage Ref

Catch this new Jerry Seinfeld produced show on NBC? Just another way for people to air their dirty personal laundry and though I was never a big fan of Jerry’s ‘other’ show and I have seen maybe a minute of his latest, I think taking marriage advice from Madonna or Kelly Ripa or even Alex Baldwin makes the show a hoot! I just saw Jerry S. do a few minutes last week on Letterman and it made me remember how stellar the guy is at stand-up. I say more of this Jerry and less of these shows…but there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that.

Well that’s all I got for now kiddies. Send me your comments at shortandsweetsex@gmail.com.

Ralph Greco, Jr.

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