
Hello Morning: Hello Morning

Hello Morning
Hello Morning
(Timber Carnival)

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Hello Morning is acrobatic electro space rock with a super giddy explosive, energetic appeal. Lead singer, Henry Curl’s expansive vocal dynamics wonderfully work alongside a really moving and thriving feat of pumping rock that makes one want a ride to wherever Hello Morning is willing to take them. The feel good audio emotive is laced in dizziness. “Coldbreakers” begins with hand claps, then alternates with drums, creating a riotous slam jam. Guitars angrily move against Curl’s accusatory lyrics. The guitar buzz is almost theatrical it’s so moody. Layered guitars, fuzzy keys and soft distortion and echoes, with reverb drums and hazy harmonies is the strength of this Portland, Oregon band that was born out of members from different groups or projects, soon going on to be Kevin Breuner, Benjamin Sims and Peter Swenson. The arena heavy sound and luxurious vocals are regal. “Everglades” begins with a dirge of grinding bass and choppy guitars, the guitars give way to spirally comet-like glitter. The alluring quality Hello Morning has is that they funnel a sound like no one else; somehow they have revived the vibrancy of modern rock.

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