
CASPIAN: You Are The Conductor/The Four Trees/Tertia Reissued

You Are The Conductor/The Four Trees/Tertia
(The Mylene Sheathe Records)

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Massachusetts’ Caspian are not your typical instrumental rock band. Usually when you think of an instrumental act with guitars, you imagine there will be a lot of wankery going on with the six-strings, perhaps some Geddy Lee-type bass solos, fingers feverishly working their way across a keyboard and drum fills galore. Well, you won’t find that here and that’s not a bad thing.

What Caspian lacks in technicality they make up for with feeling. That’s not to say their music is overly simple, it just means, unlike Mozart, they manage to create strong walls of sound without being accused of having too many notes.

Mylene Sheathe has re-issued their two full lengths, The Four Trees and Tertia, as well as an EP, You Are The Conductor. Over these three releases Caspian’s sound is very consistent, without being boring. Without the constraints of a verse/chorus/verse format and no vocals you can’t help but feel like you’re being drawn into an emotional and cinematic score when listening to Caspian.

On each release, Caspian isn’t scared to really stretch out and let the songs grow on you over time. It seems as if the band members kept driving a certain sound home until they were in the “zone.” As a listener, this helps to find your way into their “zone” as well. And you can hear traces of Radiohead, South, Sigur Ros and perhaps even some At The Drive-In, which is never a bad thing in my opinion. These are all quality releases and definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for some cool instrumental tunes that peacefully take you to another place, even with distorted guitars.

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