Flying Lotus: Cosmogramma


Flying Lotus

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Other than bob your head, there isn’t much you can do with instrumental hip hop. That said, LA-based Flying Lotus, the mad scientist of beats, the experimental laptop DJ, or whatever you wish to call him, does however bring a cosmically-charged message on Cosmogramma, his third album on the Warp label. That message: there is no message.

Steven Ellison crafts music in a way that evokes jedi mind tricks. You want to sit and simply imbibe, however, you also want to get off your derrière and create your own magnum opus, be it an Oscar-winning screenplay or a Pulitzer-prize winning book. Cosmogramma is by all accounts trippy, jazz-infused experimental shit. But it’s also quite possibly, FlyLo’s best work.

As Thom Yorke appears, so does Ellison’s cousin Ravi Coltrane, which in and of itself are two artists that have no musical connection, but fit perfectly on this album. When Mary-Anne Hobbs, music journalist extraordinaire and Queen of the Dubstep movement says, “Flying Lotus to me is like the Hendrix of his generation,” we music nerds pay attention.

Nevertheless, Cosmogramma is a shoe-in for one of my favorite albums of 2010. Standout tracks: “Galaxy In Janaki,” “Do The Astral Plane” and “Pickled!”

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