
Elizabeth Grant Collagen Face Pads

At a certain age, which I will not disclose, you begin to pay more attention to skin care for its anti-aging properties. Your skin doesn’t have the resilience of your early twenties and its collagen and elasticity start to break down. Of course, there are many things you can do as preventative care to slow aging, but not to actually stop it. At least, not yet. As spa and clinical products become commercially available, we came across Elizabeth Grant’s Collage Face Pads ($40, 4 pack). The company was started in 1958 by the former British makeup artist Elizabeth Grant, and the line currently boasts over 40 skin care products. The Collagen Face Pads are ideal for people on the go and are disposable for one time use. The application is faultless by applying a wet compress pad sachet to the face for 20-30 minutes. The active ingredients are marine collagen and Torriculumn. Marine collagen minimizes facial contractions and slows collagen breakdown. The mysterious Torriculumn is a result of clever marketing. No evidence and research could be found for Torriculumn, however it comprises of vitamins and plant extracts found in many other anti-aging products. The result was soft skin and a more youthful appearance with remarkable ease. The Collagen Face Pads deliver what it promises, however the cost is prohibitive compared to similar products on the market. Also, the secret ingredient Torriculumn leaves us a bit skeptical.

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