
The Glitch Mob: Drink the Sea

The Glitch Mob
Drink the Sea
(Glass Air)

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Radiating, bombastic and loud, The Glitch Mob has created such a musically rich mushroom cloud of steamy industrial sized songs that emote outwardly for seemingly miles.  The robotically stiff, groove tracks are futuristic and yet harmoniously vibrant. The album, though instrumental, moves with the multi-dimensional showmanship of a mainstream chart topping release.  All the particles are there.  “Animus Vox,” begins with the fullness of a rock anthem. Bass beats and synthesized riffs move with the arrogant flair of bona fide arena proportions. “Fortune Days,” is a theatrically dramatic feat that begins with the rustling of violin sounds and fuzzed out keys, bass lines and deep drums move along at a pop push and the song begins to rock out with such an egotistical fury that makes one enjoy the bawdy sentiment. Within the confines of the song one feels a battle in the mix and the listener is the audio watcher.  Heavy, intense and groove worthy, slickly stylistic, this LA based trio of Josh Mayer, Justin Boreta, and Ed Ma are rhythmically astounding.  Every break in beat, every soft shuffle or massive stomp of drum, every wall of keyboard chorus is intrinsic and cutting edge.

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