
SPA: Rita Hazan Salon

Much like a decent meal, to survive in this city’s salon and spa scene, it seems a given purveyor of services must be either very cheap or very, very good.  It is therefore quite a testament to the services offered by the over one-decade-old Rita Hazan Salon that it has been around so long, seeing as the costs of its services are far from bargain-basement.

Located just off to the side of Central Park, only steps away from the Ritz Carlton, the greatest pitfall to getting to the venue is fighting through the mobs of tourists lining up outside of Abercrombie and Fitch adjacent to the building’s entrance.  That said, the entry is already not so easy to encounter, but those interested in checking it out can rest assured that it took this reviewer no more than a quick inquiry with the security guard at the Prada store to find Rita Hazan’s location.  As a seasoned “hair model” for stylist students of various NYC schools priced no more than $20 a pop, stepping into Prada en route to my appointment was no doubt a “we’re not in Kansas anymore” moment.

As can be expected, the salon itself is abuzz with hairdryers and rock and roll.  The clientèle appeared to match the borderline Upper East Side location, but the staff portray a more downtown vibe.  After filling out a few legal forms (mind you the appointment was for a haircut), I was whisked to the chair of none other than Joaquin, stylist extraordinaire, who happened to have worked at the salon on and off since its inception.

Joaquin appropriately inquired about the “plan” for the day (honestly whatever he thought was best) and after a quick shampoo and what seemed like only minutes, I was watching his shears snip snip away at my once-split ends.  Despite the slight fear invoked by said snipping, I walked out with a fresh, clean cut and somewhat feasible instructions for how to manage the new style myself.

Those looking to splurge, seeking a celebrity-friendly atmosphere, willing to brave the Abercrombie crowds and looking for something more along the elegant side should treat themselves with a trip to Rita Hazon. The starting price for a woman’s hair cut is $105 and for a men’s cut, it’s $85.

The Rita Hazan Salon is located at 720 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10019. For more information give them a call at (212) 586-4343 or go to the website at http://www.ritahazansalon.com.

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About Jessica Stein

Jessica Stein is a writer and lawyer originally from Philadelphia, PA who has lived in New York City for the last six years. She has been a shortandsweetnyc contributor since 2008 for the books, health/beauty and food features (including restaurant reviews and chef profiles).
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