
We Talk with former American Idol Season 7 contestant Josiah Leming

I didn’t know much about Josiah Leming as I entered Rockwood Stage 1 on the Lower East Side on Thursday August 5th but by the time I left, it was crystal clear that this 21 year old firecracker knew how to put on a show. The toe-headed Tennessee native was youthful, starting his show yelling “Everyone ready to get f-ing rowdy in here?” and yet mature in the sense that he seems to have been through a lot in his two decades. This former contestant from “American Idol Season 7” rocks a mock British accent and boasts that he was the only sibling of 9 to run to the keyboard as a child, and this has obviously payed off as he now has a busy tour schedule in addition to his September 14th first full-length album release Come On Kid.

When did you know you wanted to be a singer?

It’s more songwriter than singer, but it was when I was 13 years old.

What was the first concert you went to?

I can’t remember.

Who influences you musically?

Coldplay. I decided if I couldn’t try to sing as well as Coldplay then I shouldn’t bother.

How did you get your album title Come On Kid?

I talk to myself a lot and I always say this to myself.

Why does your song “Joy and Happiness” sound so sad?

I was being held up under a bridge in London a few years ago and I could have died. When I got home I asked myself what I would want most if I was about to die and I wrote this song in about 2 minutes.

Who would you collaborate with if you could sing with anyone?

Randy Travis. I love country.

If you could spend a day with one person who would it be?

My mom.

How do you start your day?

A jog and a shower or coffee and a cigarette.

What words do you live by?

Come on kid.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A singer/songwriter. I want to do this forever.

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About Kate Hollinger

Kate is an avid lover of all things food, drink, and music who is trying to soak up every aspect of life in the big apple after spending over twenty years in a small town. Follow her on some of her foodie and concert going adventures at www.cilantroandspice.com.
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