
Anya Marina: Spirit School

Anya Marina
Spirit School
(Chop Shop/Atlantic)

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Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll hear a song in the background of a show or commercial and be able to find the answer when you ask yourself, “What is that song?” Anya Marina is one of those artists who manages to lurk in the shadows of popular programs, even scoring a slot on the New Moon soundtrack. Think what you will about vampires and werewolves, but they manage to bag a lot of talent. A remix of that track, “Satellite Heart,” has been included at the end of her new EP, Spirit School, which is contributed to by Interpol drummer Sam Fogarino, rounding out a lush, atmospheric record.

The five tracks that make up this EP are, as Marina herself stated, “misfits” from her other recordings.  They are certainly not unrelated though, in the way they are grouped. “You Are Invisible” is a melodic, poetic piece of layered vocals and strings, immediately followed by “Whatsit,” a dance tune that sounds like Kylie Minogue with gritty production. “Spirit School” has a taste of post-punk while analyzing the art and creativity, following dreams and knowing to be true to oneself. “Busrider” goes back to the club vibe of the second track. In just a few songs, Marina is able to show off a versatility that ought to make her appealing to fans of various genres.

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About Casey Hicks

Casey Hicks toils her daylight hours away in an office high above Manhattan in order to afford nights of passionately scribbling. The first song she remembers ever hearing is "Lola" by the Kinks. She thinks this explains a lot.
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