
Lost Apparitions: Old Friends on New Planets

Lost Apparitions
Old Friends on New Planets

When a band offers its album up for free, it can either be a time for warning bells or celebration. With Lost Apparitions, the answer lies firmly in the latter category. One part concept album to two parts rock and a pinch of post-punk, Old Friends on New Planets displays energy and dedication, artistry and a good time. If commercial rock has gotten boring, then Lost Apparitions have arrived to deliver a kick to the genre that would make the likes of The Mars Volta proud.

Eight songs press on through half an hour, some of them barely over a minute, while others climb toward ten. The divisions are hardly noticeable though, as the band has crafted an album that holds together as a solid unit. From the clashing introduction of “Denial on the River Nile” to the jangling guitar of “Do It Yourself Exorcism,” Lost Apparitions have a sound that’s easy to picture in small venues or large, getting a crowd moving and moshing with only a few notes. The standout track on this offering is “Two See Me,” a delicate acoustic number that nestles itself in without sounding forced in the slightest. This album is definitely worth checking out, and for free, there’s really no reason to pass it by.

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About Casey Hicks

Casey Hicks toils her daylight hours away in an office high above Manhattan in order to afford nights of passionately scribbling. The first song she remembers ever hearing is "Lola" by the Kinks. She thinks this explains a lot.
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