
Young Prisms: Friends For Now

Young Prisms
Friends For Now
(Kanine Records)

Friends For Now sounds shoegazey, and slightly psychedelic, without the reverb overkill that many other bands are guilty of. With their lo-fi, laid back vibe, it is easy to tell that Young Prisms are a California-based band.

The title track serves to somewhat epitomize the mood of the entire album. The first two tracks blend into one another easily, characterizing what the band does best; they miraculously manage to incorporate calming effects into a noise rock sound.

“Sugar” follows suit, but takes a pleasantly surprising turn when the tempo speeds up significantly, mid-song.  The opening notes of “In Your Room” provide a dramatic introduction, but the mood quickly changes, lightening as sunny guitars emerge over rumbles of distorted bass and other well used effects.  The album goes out with a controlled, yet dramatic bang with “Stay Awake,” which appropriately stands out. It maintains the pace of most of the other songs, but has a little, unexplainable, extra something special.

Young Prisms achieve a sound that is likely to adequately fill whatever space it is transmitted through. Friends For Now is the sort of record that always deserves to be played all the way through.  There is an audible evolution that occurs over the span of ten tracks and each song sounds fuller than the one before it.

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About Samantha Blackwood

Hi, I'm a Canadian human with an undying love for live music and the works of dead writers. I write music reviews, book reviews, random literature related musings, short fiction, and more.
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