
Sedu Professional Nano Toumaline Ionic Styling Iron

New York is a city plush with diversity in such areas as age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, hometown, preferred falafel cart, hair style – we got it all. Oddly enough, with all the differences to be had throughout this city that never sleeps, I consider it a very safe bet that the majority of those of us who do in fact sleep share a common mission of reducing our morning routine to enjoy the maximum amount of Zs possible.

Sedu has a mission of its own, that is, “to fuse the science behind the product with the artistry of hair to design products and programs that meet stylists’ needs.” (www.sedubeauty.com).  Focusing on two key elements of styling irons, the plates and the heating system, Sedu offers a superior product.  Minutes -actually, make that seconds- into my makeup application I found the plates to be sufficiently and efficiently hot to apply to my nightmare of a bed head.  Rather than simply coating the plates with ceramic, the plates of this iron are made entirely of ceramic, enabling maximum heat distribution.  Moreover, the actual ceramic used is of such high quality that it enables an incredibly smooth finish in just minutes.  Sure enough, upon using the Sedu Nano for the first time, I was out the door earlier than ever, and for the first time in a long time I was able to grab what is perhaps the second most important component of our shared morning mission: coffee.

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About Jessica Stein

Jessica Stein is a writer and lawyer originally from Philadelphia, PA who has lived in New York City for the last six years. She has been a shortandsweetnyc contributor since 2008 for the books, health/beauty and food features (including restaurant reviews and chef profiles).
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