
Better Skin Care by Entre Derm

Who doesn’t love pretty packages, especially those that arrive by mail? That’s exactly what reached my mailbox from the much-talked about Entre Derm skin care system. Entre Derm is a five step, five product regimen ($69.95) using exclusive Somazone technology. This patented technology combines hyaluronic acid and collagen molecules to actually enter into the dermal layer.

For decades skin care has been topical, but advances in technology are paving the way for penetrable products to get in the problem area, hence the name Entre Derm. The five products are day and night creams, toner, cleanser and eye cream. The system works like any other skin care routine starting with a fragrance free, cream cleanser. The cleanser was strong enough to remove makeup without additional washing or traces of residue.

The toner was a basic witch hazel toner that leaves skin refreshed and squeaky clean. It isn’t until you get to the day and night cream moisturizers and the eye cream where you see the effectiveness of Entre Derm. The moisturizers are packed with collagen to retain skin’s elasticity and fullness, and the results were dramatic without a single needle injection!

The Instant Lift eye cream softens lines and lessens any darkness around the eyes. When you break down the cost, each product retails approximately $14, which is a steal for a moisturizer or eye cream. Entre Derm’s strength is in the Somazone infused creams, as the cleanser and toner are straightforward. Even with the package deal, the system is well worth its value for the striking results of the creams.

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