
Vera Wang Preppy Princess

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Vera Wang is probably best known for creating elegant, must-have wedding dresses and accessories, and her dresses are quite coveted by newly-engaged women with any access to a department store. However, those less familiar with her expansive dynasty, which includes all things fashion (including shoes, glasses, womenswear and home accessories), might appreciate learning that among many other things, Vera also brings us fragrance.

Preppy Princess appears to be the latest fragrance to join the collection. Although promotional websites boast that Preppy Princess is an “eclectic, edgy fragrance,” this reviewer was a bit surprised by the overall commercial scent, giving off the same sort of whiff that enters ones nostrils upon briskly walking through the perfume department en route to the shoes in any given department store.

Comprised of elements of berry, honeysuckle and “woods,” per the website, Preppy Princess disappoints as it ultimately delivers a rather generic and easily-overwhelming aroma.

That said, it cannot go unmentioned that the timing of the product release smartly aligns with the recent nuptials of the beloved William and Kate. Clearly marketed to a Gossip Girl audience (see any ad for this product) and equipped in a heart-shaped, crowned glass bottle, Preppy Princess wisely capitalizes on the current royalty-craze and brings sovereignty to the commoners. Too bad the scent is rather unremarkably common.

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About Jessica Stein

Jessica Stein is a writer and lawyer originally from Philadelphia, PA who has lived in New York City for the last six years. She has been a shortandsweetnyc contributor since 2008 for the books, health/beauty and food features (including restaurant reviews and chef profiles).
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