
THE SEX FILES: Sex Scandals in New York!

This week let’s explore two current sex stories that are connected to our wonderful state.

Weiner, Finally Committing…

Once again a half-mast erection gets another man in trouble.

A full erection can be swatted down, legislated against, laughed at and plenty of them have attempted to make themselves known in plenty of places; flaccid pee pees are never really a problem though, so we can dismiss them out of hand and not many guys are taking pictures or sending them in that state. But Queens politico Weiner was only half mast in the infamous picture he now has admitted to. The question is, do any of us care really what’s on his Twitter account and who he’s sending it to, or do we just care that he lied for as long as he did and kind of came across half hard himself in his answers over the matter? I’m not sure what makes the measure of a man (pun intended), but I am more worried that the guy was stupid enough to have a picture like this on his Twitter account get out then I am that he has the picture, and supposedly many more like it.

Does IMF stand for,’ I’ve Gone Mad for Maid F……?’

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the ex-managing director of the IMF was arrested in our fair city for allegedly attacking a hotel maid. Supposedly he tried to take down the lady’s undies and force her to perform oral sex on him, but as of this week the guy pleaded not guilty and has voluntary agreed to a forensic investigation, which will examine whether his body has scratches from the maid, among other things.

This is another case I wouldn’t ever be stupid enough to make a guess on whether the dude is guilty of the charges, but there are plenty of men and women running around this planet thinking that their money and prestige gains them access to whatever they want when they want it. But when you have a lot of money can’t you just order up room service out-call? Like Clinton, did he have to go for a page in the Whitehouse of all places? Did a famous actor like Hugh Grant have to go for the street hooker? Or is the thrill of the chase that fuels the excitement for some of us no matter how dangerous the consequences might be?

Weiner has got to know that being a public figure, hell, anyone should know these days, that if you have something in a Twitter account, on your cell phone, or if a good buddy has taken a compromising video of you sometime in the past ten years, it can see the light of day and probably will, the more famous you are. As far as Strauss-Kahn goes, whether or not he is guilty, most people-American’s especially-don’t like a rich French guy just on principal so they have already convicted him of the crime.


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