
THE SEX FILES: The JCobra cock ring

Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about cock rings comes the JCobra by Velv’Or. The name Velv’Or is a combination of the words velvet and vigor, what the company considers the life of the penis-the hard and the soft stages-and the JCobra, a unique oval-shaped, ergonomically-bent precious metal cock ring is more a piece of jewelry (as its creator Jelle says) then just a pleasure product. This unique sex-toy-jewelry-ejaculate/erection aid-confidence builder-dessert topping (ok, not dessert topping, I’m kidding) comes in a .999 Fine Silver version, a yellow solid gold or plated version or a platinum solid one, all with or without diamonds. All of the JCobra’s come with a pearl embedded in them.

I was lucky enough to have a sit down with Jelle and get the skinny on his unique new invention.

Always hoping to feel so myself, I wonder how does the JCobra make a man feel more “manly and confident” (this is the term Jelle uses in his online advertisements).

This feeling is caused by the ergonomically shape of the JCobra and the pressure it’s giving to the perineum. By wearing the JCobra a man’s perineum is massaged constantly, resulting in a healthier prostate & sexual health and off course a firmer erection and a heavier ejaculation. But it also massages the first chakra which results in the man feeling more manly & confident.

Seeing how it needs to be priced as it is because of the precious metals you use, still many guys would see the price of the JCobra as high. What do you say to those men who say the JCobra is just too much money?

I understand that men think it’s a pricy sex-toy but it’s actually an average priced jewelry item…an item that makes them feel “on top of the world”, wearing this crown jewel for their own crown jewels. So I normally ask them how much they spent on a watch and then they are thinking Jelle you are correct the JCobra isn’t that expensive, it just depends on the product I compare it to!

How did you come to make cock rings and how did you know there was a market for high-end ones?

I came up with the idea of creating a bended c-ring after acknowledging that I did not like the feeling of the standard o-cock ring. So I developed a bended prototype, which did its job but was not hitting the perineum enough. After creating this cock-ring I met a master silversmith from the UK who wanted to play with the design and the JCobra was born.

What else do you guys sell or are getting into in the future?

For the moment it is the JCobra we are selling, but we have some amazing products in the pipeline. All products will be for men and their penises or for a man to give his partner an amazing amount of pleasure!

If you want to learn more about the JCobra, check it out here.

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