
Tieks: Fashionable & Comfy No-Fuss Flats!

As avid trend-watchers, we’ve seen our share of innovative footwear fads, especially when it comes to flats. We’ve spotted flats that roll at the soles, flats that fit in your pocket, and even flats dispensed out of vending machines… but whatever happened to just plain quality, cute flats that don’t do any crazy tricks other than simply stay comfortable no matter how long they’re on your feet? Introducing Tieks, unbelievably comfy designer flats that come in every color and pattern known to man that are made especially for maintaining comfort with their cushioned heel, flexible fit, and soft, top-grain leather. Okay, okay… and they also happen to have the ability fold up to fit in your purse (I guess a little trickery can’t be avoided). Yes, they cost a pretty penny (if you’re more likely to pay around the same price just for the sake of having that oversized Tory Burchlogo on the toe, I understand), but if you’re constantly on a never-ending hunt for the perfect pair of wear-’em-anywhere flats and don’t mind spending the dough, your search ends here!

– Alex Gambardella

From our friends at thefind.com

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