
Look Beautiful with Olio Lusso Skin Care

Traditionally, French skin care centers around botanicals infusing aromatics into potions. Giving it the old American try is former model and stylist Linda Rodin. Seeking a clutter free, simple regime, in 2007, Rodin blended 11 essential oils to create the cult Olio Lusso ($140, 1oz). The emollient, oil-based concoction contains essences of jasmine, neroli, sweet almond, and apricot to name a few. I applied 2-3 drops to my skin after showering, which left my skin glowing all day. Though it is oil-based, it quickly absorbs into the skin without leaving you greasy (only the slightest amount is needed). Rodin makes no wild claims about her product line, which includes lip balm, hair serum, and body oil, other than to make “skin look alive.” After a week, there was visible improvement to the texture and hue of my skin. I am tempted to keep up the regimen, but the price point places it into the luxury category; ironically the name Olio Lusso translates to “luxury oil” in Italian.

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