
FILM: Subdued

Grabbing some rather fantastic shots of winter night suburban streets and some quite scary indoor moments, Anthony J. Puglia presents his short film Subdued. Certainly worth your time if you like independent fare, rather well shot, considering it is shot on video (a medium I’m not so fond of for filmmaking…or do we call it video-making these days) and not exactly linear story-telling (my favorite kind).

With Puglia basically at the helm with writing/directing/editing and acting the lead, I won’t give away too much about the plot of the film other than say even in its slow moments (a little too many for my tastes, but that’s really a small criticism), Subdued does move along nicely and manages a nice surprise at the end.

Though the film is peppered with a goodly amount of extras, there really are only two speaking parts here, Puglia and Peter Riot, who plays an ending creeping moment very well with his fantastic voice and lanky intense physicality.

Coming as they do now from all sources, we can as much enjoy something short and well-made online as we can in the theaters.
Check-out subdued at http://www.warlockfilms.net/.

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