Halloween Style Inspiration – Retro Chic Addams Family
Do you have a chic and spooky costume planned for Halloween? Something simple and chic, your classic black little ghoul? Both retro and chic, and a plus if your favorite day of the week happens to be Wednesday. We loe these Addams Family costumes for singles, couples and groups! If you’re a fan of the grim family in the hit TV series this may be the costume for you. If you decide to DIY this year, simply put on your best little black dress add a white collar and cuffs made of white felt. Braid your hair and track down that bloody skull in your closet, or nearest Halloween supply store, and instantly you’re transorformed into Wednesday Adams!
If you haven’t found your perfect costume for Halloween, TheFind and CostumeKingdom are hosting a giveaway. Enter for a chance to win one of three $50 gift cards go tour the Official Giveaway page here to enter today.
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