
THE SEX FILES: New York’s Own, Bare Naked Bake Sale

While their recent even was as much a fundraiser as an introduction to Bare Naked Bake Sale, the Founder and CEO, Justina Walford says she and partner Stacy Cumberbatch were happily surprised to be the recipients of the initial donations toward their campaign on behalf of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Walford said: “We could not be happier with the turnout and the amazing people who came to the event. It was a wonderful way to officially introduce Bare Naked Bake Sale to the general public as well as begin raising funds for a cause – supporting the men and women of the military that serve and protect us – via the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.” Held at the Wix Lounge, the celebration included topless male and female servers, a presentation about the history of nudity and activism, photo gallery samples, and an impromptu volunteer photo shoot.

I had the occasion to speak with Stacy about her organization and what she and Justina are trying to accomplish with the Bare Naked Bake Sale.

The bake sale began from some posing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, correct?

Yes, last year Justina posed topless with a group of women for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The photos were very tasteful and that led to significant press, radio interviews, and donations for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Still, Justina believed there was unfulfilled potential to raise even more funds. So she brainstormed, and Bare Naked Bake Sale was born.

I always wonder about altruistic concerns, if when you really get up and running that you find you are inundated with requests?

We’ve actually already had very positive responses from photographers, volunteers to model, and local businesses who love what we’re doing and want to participate. The great thing about our platform is that it’s meant to accommodate everyone who has a cause to raise funds for and wants to do it in a fun, provocative way. We couldn’t possibly do individual photos shoots and campaigns for all of the great causes out there to support, so we let users create a profile on our website telling what they want to raise money for, upload photos that have any states of undress–from implied to full to semi-nudity, and we promote alongside them to draw attention to their cause and meet their fundraising goals.

Have you found any criticism to the nudity or is the fact that you are obviously working for such wonderful causes keep you free from people tsk-tsking?

We seem to get more people afraid of tsk=tsking than people actually tsk-tsking. When we approach people about posing for the charities, they typically love the idea and respond positively. The charities that keep us at arm’s length probably do so out of concern on how their public audience will respond to nudity in their fundraising message.

Would you’re company work with a private, non-charitable campaign?

Absolutely. On our platform, we can accept everyone with a cause to promote or a project to raise funds for. All we look for is that the photos and fundraising come from a desire to change the world. We don’t just want naked photos, we want photos that tell a story and drive others to connect with a cause.

Who bakes and who is nude?

Too funny! Our name Bare Naked Bake Sale is leading people to think we’re bakers, but it was just meant to be a cute play on the way some fundraisers try to raise money–via bake sales! But we think our way is more fun…and naked.

What’s coming-up and where can people find you?

We’re focusing on introducing people to our site right now and helping them create their own photo fundraisers on our platform. We’ve launched in Invite-Only Beta mode, so folks can sign up for an invitation to the site here. We’re also on Facebook a lot showing sneak peeks of our photos, event announcements, and contests, so check us out on Facebook, Twitter and our website, which we just launched today. You can find the Fallen Heroes Fund here.

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