

You know me, I do like to expound on the print media if and when I get the chance. Sure, like a lot of us these days I make a good part of my income from the work I do (which is mainly writing work) online, still there are plenty of magazines still printing and printing well out there, some very sexy (porn) some slightly and some centered around a niche. So here yet again is another round-up of what’s out there in the slightly sexy and overtly naughty magazine world.

Magazines like Hustler, Playboy, Penthouse (group them together as you like) are plugging away with both healthy online presences and their flagship publications (Larry Flint’s Hustler alone has been in existence since 1974). This month’s Hustler sees not only the usual naughtiness but an interview with Charles Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi (who some say wrote the definitive book about the Mason atrocities Helter Skelter and others claim got it all wrong…others being Charlie himself). Penthouse features Brett Rossi as Penthouse Pet of the Month and a rundown of some Valentine lingerie.

Bust, a decidedly different mag than those mentioned above, is for the discriminating semi-sassy gal and the latest issue features what they are calling “Secret Styles Of Fashion Rebels” and a piece of Myra Rudolph, that super talented lady of SNL and Bridesmaids fame.

Their online site is: http://www.bust.com/

Bitch magazine sees women get even sassier-bitchy as the name implies-and this month’s issue includes a Q&A with “progressive” sportswriter Dave Zirin,  a piece called “Gender Rolls” and one called “Surrender (to) Dorothy-Imperialism and the subaltern in the Oz of past, present, and future.” I know Bitch is quite unlike a sex/fetish mag or even like the usual woman’s magazine like Cosmo or Vogue even, but it has a good smart bent to it and it hits matters sexual and worldly.

Find it here: http://bitchmagazine.org/ and on newsstands.

Hitting matters specifically sexual, actual specific to the latex fashion lifetsylers’ world, is Von Gutenberg magazine, a publication I have written about before. The brain child of Erik Von Gutenberg, well-known photographer in the latex fashion field, issue #6 of the magazine, featuring cover girl MiMi Cherry, models Bianca Beauchamp, Miss Mishief and Deanna Storm, Von G also has articles, fetish party round-ups  and a “Top 10 Flirt Tips” piece.

It can be found here: http://www.vongutenberg.com/shop/Von-Gutenberg-Magazine-issue6.html and in retail outlets around the world.

So get out and spend some coin at your local Hudson News or corner candy store. We owe it to these and other magazine to keep good print magazines printing as much as we visit our favorite sexy web sites.

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