
Field Music: Plumb

Field Music
(Memphis Industries)

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Two years since their last record, brothers David and Peter Brewis have returned with a fresh crop of songs that demonstrate why the band is one of the acts to outlast their many English post-punk peers.

There are definite shades of Abbey Road throughout this album, from Field Music’s juxtaposition of odd noises and orchestra elements to short, complete songs flowing together to create a beautiful movement. It’s experimental and power pop at the same time, catchy but intellectual. If there’s any justice, this will be the record to bring the Brewis brothers financial, as well as critical, success.

Many of the songs on Plumb are well under three minutes long, allowing the musicians to get in, make a point, and then move on to the next. For instance, hummed horn sounds give way to real trumpets and strings on “Sorry Again, Mate,” which leads straight into melodica on the bass-groovy track “A New Town.” “A Prelude to Pilgrim Street” starts with church bells, then gives way to delicate, stunning piano, but the group doesn’t shy away from a good guitar riff, such as on “Guillotine.”

Alternative music and guitar rock definitely aren’t genres to deride as long as Field Music keeps putting out stunning records. Plumb feels like a masterpiece already, and if the Brewises can outdo themselves, I will be very pleased indeed to continue following their music.

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About Casey Hicks

Casey Hicks toils her daylight hours away in an office high above Manhattan in order to afford nights of passionately scribbling. The first song she remembers ever hearing is "Lola" by the Kinks. She thinks this explains a lot.
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