
Santigold: Master Of My Make-Believe

Master Of My Make Believe

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Santigold (formerly Santogold) proved with her debut album to be one of the freshest voices in music, garnering praise from fans, critics and fellow recording artists. It was a fun mix of dancehall reggae, trip hop and a pop punk/ska hybrid that made her stand out in a crowded scene.

Master Of My Make-Believe, Santigold’s follow-up release, just doesn’t pack the same punch for me. That in no way means this is a bad album because it absolutely isn’t. The songs are good, the production is vibrant and Santi performs well. I would say my main gripe with this release is its lack of variety. A lot of debut albums tend to be a musical collage of songs that don’t always co-exist seamlessly. The artist—typically–has been writing over a longer period of time as they develop and inspiration changes. That can be a great thing. Sophomore albums, many times, will have an overall cohesive feel as they are typically written in a shorter period so the songs tend to kind of feed off of each other. Master Of My Make-Believe I feel exercises this theory. More of the songs retain a similar feel—which can also be a great thing—but in this case, not so much. Santigold, in my opinion, relies too heavily on the dancehall reggae aspect of her sound, making the album a bit boring at times.

Her debut had twists and turns, but still managed to maintain its identity and every shoe Santigold wore on that release fit perfectly. Master Of My Make Believe is a good album, but not nearly as interesting as someone with Santigold’s range should be.

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