L. Pierre: The Island Come True
L. Pierre
The Island Come True
(Melodic Records)
Anyone familiar with the defunct Scottish band Arab Strap will recall the duo’s dark, graphic (and often amusing) lyrics, but lead vocalist Aidan Moffat has had many musical incarnations. L. Pierre, formerly Lucky Pierre, is Moffat’s more experimental, instrumental work.
The Island Come True is like a soundtrack without a film. Moffat has delicately cobbled together various sounds to build his songs—from instrumental wails to pieces of vocals and bits of nature—but not in the sampling style of Girl Talk or DJ Shadow. Instead, these songs are darker, quieter, and infinitely more thoughtful.
Opening track “KAB 1340†is immediately atmospheric, as the delicate strains of a symphonic score are juxtaposed to the cries of a gull. Vinyl hisses and pops quietly here and upon other tracks, lending the songs a bit of age and character. Nostalgia is summoned automatically, drawing the listener into the album.
From here, the captivation continues. The piano on “Harmonic Avenger†is haunting and reminiscent of a Kubrick film’s atmosphere, especially when paired with delicate humming. Brief interludes like “Drums†and “Dumbum†last under two minutes and are precisely what their titles indicate, but that makes them no less intriguing. “Now Listen!†sounds like the beginning of a vintage television jingle, but as the two words are looped and overlapped, they become somewhat ominous.
To me, The Island Come True sounds like it could pair well with a suspenseful movie. Though beautiful, the songs also have a sense of being slightly off the beaten trail. As far as instrumentals go, this album’s a keeper.