
THE SEX FILES: Noteworthy News

lea lexisYou know how I like to span the globe, media, whatever, wherever in search of fun and naughty news. Here some tidbits you maybe or may not have heard/seen or even know about:

This first one I so love.

1.) It seems former gymnast and now porn performer (and AVN nominee) Lea Lexis has some fans within the Vatican walls. Porn producers Evil Angel are nice enough to already offer a discount to Vatican priests, but it seems it was specifically a scene Lea shot for Kink.com that was found by reporters to have been pirated by someone inside the Holy City. Lea first found out about the story from her fans tweeting about it and is taking the incident in stride, as any well-seasoned performer would.

The Vatican didn’t care to make a comment, busy as they were downloading.

2.) Did you know May is National Masturbation Month? In 1995, after Surgeon General Joycelyn Elder was fired for suggesting schools include masturbation in their sex education classes, the Good Vibrations Antique Vibrator Museum (in the sexy ole town of San Francisco), dubbed May National Masturbation Month. So, as your mom told you countless times when growing-up…keep your hands to yourself.

3.) By the time this column runs the show will be over for the season but did you happen to catch “Sheldon” and “Amy” of The Big Bang Theory having sex via Dungeons & Dragons in last week’s episode? As TV.com commented, the scene where Sheldon goes to his room to comfort Amy who is sitting on his bed after feeling humiliated having her feelings called-out during a spirited public D&Ding, “…drove home the point that Amy and Sheldon’s sex life is just as personal and valid as those of any of the other couples without being forced to turn the act of RPS (role-playing sex) into either a completely serious or a completely comedic activity.”

There’s hope for all of us.

4.) The Swiss-based Triumph International revealed its latest concept bra, something it has been selling within the Japanese marketplace for the last quarter of a century. The ‘Abenomics Bra’ is based on Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s “three arrow” economic recovery approach and features a rising ‘trendline’ and economic arrow motifs. As many of these ‘stunts’ that Triumph pulls off in Japan where the populace seems hungry for any new odd trend, this bra won’t actually be on sale for the public. The Abenomic follows a “Super Cool Bra,” designed with ice-packs built into the cups (to keep women cool during Japan’s attempt to conserve power during the summer) and it’s 2008 “Solar Power Bra” that could be charged via phone or iPod.

Sure, there’s lots more stuff out there. All one has to do is turn on the TV or search Google. I just wanted to give you a tickle of what I found lately. If you ever come across some sex news you want to share, always know that THE SEX FILES is an open forum and we always welcome your comments, criticisms and bribes.

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