
Giorgio Moroder: Best of Electronic Disco

giorgio mGiorgio Moroder
Best of Electronic Disco

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From disco beats to famous movie soundtracks like Scarface, TopGun and Flashdance to even being featured on the latest Daft Punk release, Italian composer/instrumentalist Giorgio Moroder is well-known in the aural landscapes he had occupied since his earliest releases in the 70’s. His new Best Of Electronic Disco album features 19 songs, which span the years of the man’s work, featuring some singles, extended versions, B-sides and even a  remix or two.

There’s vocoder work here (a synthesized voice effect) on the sweeping “From Here to Eternity” (both the hit single and the regular version of the title track of Moroder’s 1977 album) as well as on the very poppy “Baby Blue,” with its oscillating pings and female backing vocals. When he was with the band Munich Machine and his partner Jürgen Koppers, Moroder created some very distinct disco hits and from that period, this album includes “Utopia/Me,” with its low crackle sounds rising to frantic beats and the equally low bleats on the stellar, perfect disco hit “I Wanna Funk With You Tonight,” with its horns and strings.

We get very commercial Moroder collaborations with Joe Esposito on the guitar-based, funky “Too Hot To Touch” and the fantastic “Solitary Man.” For complete-ists, there’s even Moroder’s cover of “Nights in White Stain,” nearly unrecognizable to the original Moody Blues classic.

If what you want is a good introduction to this man’s work (and you should be introduced) or to be reminded of your disco past, you need look further than Best Of Electronic Disco.

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