THE SEX FILES: The Year in Review
As always I won’t be making resolutions for this New Year; not only can’t I be bothered but at this grand old age I know that whatever vices I have, habits I hold dear or foibles/fetishes I enjoy are pretty much here to stay. It might be a time of rebirth and reflection for some, for me though I merely like to look back on the year that passed, birth a chuckle or two over moments that still smack me in the face as interesting, odd or funny and then move on as jaded as always.
In regards to sex, plenty happened in 2013 we can have some fun with…
Miley Cyrus made lots of news with her updated (supposed naughty) image this year. It seems lots of the world forgot Miley was never actually a person called Hanna Montana and that Miley (the person she really is) has grown past the years when she was very popular as a Disney T.V./singing star. In her early 20’s now Miley wishes to express herself as an ‘artist’ and does so by sticking out her tongue at every chance, wearing high-waist panties and singing songs like “Wrecking Ball.†Lambasted by her VMA Awards performance and ‘suggestive’ dancing “twerking†I’m not so sure she’s setting the sexual world on fire all that much really. It seems now free of the mouse the woman is pretty much manipulating the press to her liking, having fun and trying to convince us all she’s sexy.
Gays marrying was a big political bouncy ball this year. Whether you believe as Phil Robertson does or lots of others on the opposite side of the question about gay rights, the democrats and republicans had a field day exploiting this issue. More to come on it all, I am sure.
There were plenty of hot films and TV shows this year about or circling round sex: Showtime’s Masters of Sex about Masters and Johnson, the UK’s live sex show Sex Box and movies, Thanks for Sharing, Amanda Seyfried as Linda Lovelace in Deep Throat and the lesbian tour de force Blue Is the Warmest Color…plus Farrah Abraham, ex teen mom, bouncing in with Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom (see my review here).
In the world of naughty selfies we had 70-year-old Geraldo Rivera showing off and even though he more or less ruined his rep. by not keeping his weiner covered, Anthony Weiner still made a run for the NYC mayoral race.
California passed a revenge porn law and is still going back and forth about mandatory condom use in porn films; the Biebs was caught sneaking out of a house of ill repute and peeing in odd places and Ireland and Scotland are doing their damndest to clean-up sex for money working.
Is this all? By no means. There has been and will continue to be plenty naughtiness happening from 2013 that will ‘mature’ in 2014 and brand new stories coming (and I mean that in many ways) in sex news for this new year. Stay tuned, I’ll get to as much of it as I can.
Shoot us over your favorite sex stories…I’d love to read what’s on your mind.