
Goldfaden, MD Doctor’s Scrub

Goldfaden, MD Doctor's ScrubSkincare has been trending toward making medical grade products more attainable as in over the counter. I recently called various dermatology clinics to average the cost of a microdermabrasion treatment and it roughly came out to $130, which seems like a lot for an intense exfoliation. I was determined to find a good at-home microdermabrasion product and I found Goldfadens, MD Doctor’s Scrub ($75, 1.7 oz.).

Goldfaden is the coveted skincare line from one of the top dermatologists in the U.S. The Doctor’s Scrub comes in a jar as a white cream with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, seaweed, red tea, and apricot. The key ingredient is ruby crystals that buff away dead skin for even skin tone and to promote cell renewal. There is a significant difference between exfoliants and microdermabrasion as microdermabrasion products are finer and require less frequency. The packaging recommends daily use, but I caution against that because you don’t want to create micro tears with your microdermabrasion. Within a couple of weeks, my skin was smoother and brighter. I was saving time and money with Goldfaden, MD Doctor’s Scrub as the results were comparable to an in office treatment. My only advice is less is more (you only need a small amount to apply) and scrub gently!

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