Michael Cera: true that
Michael Cera
true that
Anyone who has seen Juno, Paper Heart, or the criminally underrated Scott Pilgrim vs. the World knows that Michael Cera has had some musical talent brewing beneath the surface. What wasn’t expected was for roughly twenty tracks to appear on Bandcamp overnight like a songstress who shall remain nameless.
true that isn’t really an album so much as a mix of songs showcasing different styles and impulses. Many of the songs have a rough, gritty quality, sounding like simple demo takes rather than completed songs. Instrumentals pop up repeatedly, such as the jaunty piano of “Moving In†and the crisp “Of a Thursday.†There are a couple of intriguing covers, like one of Blaze Foley’s “Clay Pigeons†and a stripped-back, acoustic take on “Play It Again†by Roderick Falconer with distorted vocals.
Perhaps most notable are the songs Cera has written. His style borrows from the psychedelic tradition, often combining dreamy melodies with slightly strained but raw vocals. “Steady now†and “Ruth†are two notable songs depicting stories rather than focusing on the traditional structure of verses and choruses. This approach to music—writing to write rather than to impress or follow the correct formula—is incredibly refreshing and makes true that a perfect record for chilling out.
You can listen to the album here.