THE SEX FILES: Are our very breast days coming to an end?
You know I like to ‘travel the globe’ bringing you sex stories, but when something is happening right here at home (or one of the two homes for S&S, the other being L.A.) I can’t help myself but to report. So, here goes…
While the NYC Times Square Naked Cowboy (and Cowgirl) might call themselves ‘naked,’ the topless ladies walking around with painted bare breasts looking to take a picture with tourists for tips are really championing free expression. They are also causing quite a stir in the news.
Although New York law clearly states that a woman can be naked in public from the top up, a current critique of the painted Times Square boob-bage seems to be coming from some tourists, a spate of New York Daily News reports (and a recent editorial) and from the heat that has been coming from too many pictures of NYC finest taking selfies with the topless lasses in question. What-if anything-could/should be done about all this bare flesh?
If more of (or all of) Manhattan’s “Crossroads of the World†is designated ‘parkland’ (very much like Duffy Square on the north-end of Times Square is) then panhandlers: costumed, naked, what-have-you-cannot populate that area. As suggested, and seemingly being considered just this very week by our honorable Mayor Bill de Blasio, a breast-y civil rights conundrum might be prevented if indeed other portions (or again, all of) Times Square is delineated as parkland; Elmo’s, Cookie Monsters and topless women with the stars and stripes painted across their breasts would have to avoid a park area looking for their daily bread from photographs.
Seeing as the much heralded Disney-fi-cation of Times Square cleaned-up the area, when New Yorkers can sneak in a little smut in the area, overtly or not, they seem to want to try. And God knows if one is looking to garner as much attention for themselves as possible, baring a few breasts in Times Square, seeing your picture taken by The Daily News and causing a little controversy among civil servants seems the way to go. Eyesore or tourist attraction, the painted ladies and even the skivvie-clad naked cowboy do get lots of pro and con press. As do the costume characters who have been accused often of overly aggressive panhandling and in many cases make a big enough stink when they aren’t tipped what they feel is correct that some have been reported to police.
Ah, give us the Times Square pre-Disney when you couldn’t walk through, let alone were sometimes too scared to drive through the area. Bare breasts were the least of anyone’s worry back then.
What is Bill de Blasio going to do? Should you get in or out asap to catch your last few looks at bare bouncing flesh? Or will the ladies be around with the Elmo’s and the Baked Potato food carts until it gets too cold to keep nipples exposed? Only time will tell.