
THE SEX FILES: We Talk with Richie at Kinky Literature

kinky-literatureKnown in the adult industry as “Mr. and Mrs. YouPorn” Randi and Richie were part of the group that founded YouPorn.com, staying with the site for “7 wonderful years” as they say. Then in 2011 the couple began their own site Pornsurefer Reports, fours years after that, Randi encouraged Richie to take a year off running the site to write a novel based on his 22 years of driving a cab at night in San Francisco. This resulted in the “TaXXXi Tales” book and while attempting to market that book, the couple realized that there weren’t many book outlets catering specifically to erotic writing and even more merely just “put up” with erotica without truly promoting it (something I know all too well myself).

R&R took matters into their own hands and Kinky Literature was born….and I spoke to Richie about it.

What exactly is the Kinky Literature site all about?

Kinky Literature is a site welcoming, highlighting, and promoting erotic authors and their writing and offering readers a place to get turned on to a wide range of erotic writing whose genres span from soft erotic romance to hard core porn-ish books… and everything kinky in-between. Ultimately, we strive to sell these books on behalf of the authors who wrote them, linking all literature on our site back to Amazon or Smashwords where the actual sale is made. We promote the books while the sale is made off-site.

You are a Brooklyn native, now living in San Francisco. What are the differences in the naughty worlds of both cities, or are they more similar than we would think?

I’ve been in San Francisco since 1975. Within a few months of emigrating here, I found myself driving a cab all night in one of the kinkiest cities in the world. I found SF in the late ‘70’s to be a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah…and I loved it! I had a front row seat driving sexually charged people around all night. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the same opportunity to witness such sexual craziness while living in Brooklyn. My life there was relatively boring compared to my life in California. When you read TaXXXi Tales you’ll get a sense of the sexual energy that permeates San Francisco late at night as witnessed by a kinky late night cabbie.

How can a writer get their books listed with you?

Real easy. An author can simply hit the “Contact Us” link on our site; www.KinkyLiterature.com and fill out a short form or write to us directly at KinkyLiterature@gmail.com. All we ask is for the book to fall somewhere between erotic romance and hard-core porn. In other words, no cookbooks on Kinky Literature.

Is there a charge for this?

No, we do not charge an author to list their books on Kinky Literature, as we don’t charge the surfers, either. Each book gets a Channel Page which includes: three main genres, a book synopsis, an author’s bio, banner ads and various links on the page importantly taking the reader to Amazon or Smashwords for safely making a purchase. We especially highlight books with trailers. We have special tabs on top for grouping all books with trailers as well as tabs for grouping all audio books, magazines and comics. If the author has more than one book on our site, by clicking on their name, all their books will be displayed. We offer reasonably priced advertising and Randi offers her services for making great trailers also for a reasonable price. We also do a huge amount of social networking so we are constantly highlighting books and authors to our thousands of followers. Finally, we have weekly ‘giveaways’ additionally promoting both books and authors.

Ebook, audio, print, it seems the demand for erotic literature never really goes out of style, even in the face of how easily we can now disseminate porn. Do you think this speaks to the idea that what we can conjure in our heads is always going to be sexier than anything we can see come across a movie?

Absolutely! Taking the liberty to modify a well-known saying: the word is mightier than the celluloid. For all the scenes a porn lover may watch, the porn images in the head are likely much hotter and satisfying. Reading powerful explicit words can easily conjure up those more satisfying thought images.

One of our marketing slogans is actually a little poem that employs this concept:

Try something different. Try something new.

Let your kinky mind be the camera view

Let those graphic words create the scene

So your dirty thoughts are the computer screen

For you guys, is it a matter of content, content, content, that the more you have the healthier the library will stay?

Yes and no. Yes, we want to offer as much kinky content as possible, but we’re also striving for diversity. That’s why we have a special tab for books with trailers, for magazines, and for audio books; we include erotic comics, erotic coloring books as well as picture books with explicit photography. We have included some really xxx rated hardcore content as well as gentle erotic romance. Soon we will likely add sex toys. We want to be a diverse “One-Stop Smut Shop!” We want to offer eroticism in all its wonderful forms; literary, graphic, auditory and object-wise. When it comes to kink, we’re proudly multi-modal.

Get into all Kinky Literature offers here: http://kinkyliterature.com/

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