
Mac DeMarco: This Old Dog

Mac DeMarco
This Old Dog
(Captured Tracks)

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Mac DeMarco’s This Old Dog is off to a chill start. The introductory track, “My Old Man” is a gentle ditty about romance and getting older. The chorus goes, “uh oh looks like I’m seeing more of my old man in me,” but there’s no hint of fear in his voice. This song is more reminiscing and less sorrowful regret. “My Old Man” blends almost seamlessly into the title track, with its similar subject matter as DeMarco sweetly sings “long as my heart’s beating in my chest/ this old dog ain’t about to forget.”

“Baby You’re Out” shows the first glimmer of DeMarco’s signature quirkiness with playful, staccato keys, and a chord progression that seems to chase its own tail. The lyrics comfort instead of warning, “don’t dream of all the ways things could have been.” There’s optimism and hope, but without the gravity of other less unique artists, showing that truly, “it’s nothing to cry about.”

“For the First Time” and “One More Love Song” are smooth, romantic, and reminiscent of DeMarco’s Makeout Videotape and Rock n Roll Nightclub days.

“One Another” is a brighter track. “Your heart can finally get some rest/ same heart that started this whole mess,” is the perfect line, summing up this perky celebration of breakups that were really for the best.

This Old Dog definitely shows emotional maturity and compassion while staying sweet and sincerely charming. It’s full of acoustic-guitar-starring numbers, smooth poppy late night tracks, and undeniably relatable lyrics.

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About Samantha Blackwood

Hi, I'm a Canadian human with an undying love for live music and the works of dead writers. I write music reviews, book reviews, random literature related musings, short fiction, and more.
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