
THE SEX FILES: No More Kink In the Castle

Years ago there was this castle and in this castle there was…kink.

In the dim dark past of 2009, I told you all about visiting “Kink In The Castle,” the Armory in San Francisco, home of the infamous Kink.com. Sure, I know you have never been across the Kink site, or if you happened to click on it, I realize it had to have been a mistake. But for those of you who have never been to it or clicked off before your sensibilities became corrupted, Kink.com is a sprawling portal with downloadable naughty little movies of just about any kink you might imagine. Run by the stalwart Peter Acworth the empire that is Kink.com and the building he filmed his fare in, as well as held parties at (which is why I went there near a decade ago, twice, and the catered food was amazing both times, I have to say) was infamous in a city that has always courted its fair share of infamy, lots of it of a kink variety.

This weekend, the Armory, which used to actually be a working Armory (the ‘castle’ itself is a massive building but you wouldn’t believe the size of the parking area alone!) is selling off the very stuff from inside their naughty walls. The Yes Company on Kink’s behalf, will be making available a “human hamster wheel,” desks, credenzas, a piano, artwork (photos, lithographs, posters, portraits, sculpture) and props. Man, I can just imagine the kind of props Kink.com might be selling? Not your usual sale of this type, but then again, Kink’s residency at the Armory was never usual.

What was so cool about this space, and something Acworth knew for certain, was that the many scenes he’d have enacted inside the huge stone wall rooms of the Armory were so wonderfully served by the starkness of the place. The big rooms had high ceilings that could support hanging cages and huge props, he had a full room for his wrestling scenes that he’d broadcast live and in just about any nook or cranny you might catch some woman being attended to by a number of mechanical devices or a full scene of a man whipping naked women adorned with clothespins, which I actually witnessed. The Armory was as much part and parcel of the action as the action going in within its walls. And at the upper floors were the offices and people who made the whole empire run.

The sale will be held in the Armory’s Drill Court on April 6-9, between 10am and 4pm. Go here to see what you can grab.

If you want to see what Kink.com is all about, go here.

I must say this proves the end of an era, really. I have been to a few kink spots before (one even in our venerable city of NYC) but Kink’s digs were unlike anything I or anybody else, has ever witnessed. The Armory under ink’s ownership was a legendary place, really. It’s like will never be seen again.

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